Chance Encounters
Friday May 17, 9.30 AM, Liberty Cinema

Chance encounters aren’t necessarily accidental; in fact they are destined to happen anyway. Call it coincidence, fate or kismet — in one moment, lives can collide and change forever. This package of four narrative shorts is about all those crazy, casual, unexpected, or brief encounters with lasting impression!!

Director: Josef Steiff
21 min | 2024 | USA | English | Asian Premiere
Two young men cross paths on the back roads of the American Southwest and despite their different backgrounds, find common ground along the Border.

Director: Sein Lyan Tun
15 min | 2023 | France, Myanmar, Indonesia | French, English, Burmese | Indian Premiere
Two months after fleeing Myanmar and arriving in Paris, Phyo, whose status is uncertain, dreams of romance with another man. He dances freely with a sensual dancer in front of the Pont Neuf bridge, but the trauma and desire become a trap.

Director: Itay Segal
21 min | 2023 | Israel | Hebrew | Asian Premiere
For some time, Roy has been planning what he would say to his ex when he ran into him. He never imagined that it would happen in his one night stand’s apartment.

Director: King Louie Palom
22 min | 2022 | Canada | English | Mumbai Premiere
Starring Canada’s Drag Race legend Kendall Gender, Stay is a tender exploration of relationships.
On their last night in town, Kaleb– known more commonly by the stage name Ivy Diamonds – meets Ryan, an artist from Vancouver. The few hours they spend together before Kaleb heads back to his tumultuous relationship bring him an unexpected sense of clarity.